What Are People Gobbling Up This Thanksgiving?


As the holiday season begins, many people move straight from Halloween to Christmas, but many forget an important holiday in November: Thanksgiving.  Brooke McDaniel, Lauryn Perry and Grace Skogquist went out to see what people were gobbling up for turkey day.


On October 31st, people often spend their night running around getting candy and scaring kids, but once November 1st hits the calendar,  every household starts putting up their fall decor. We thought, “Why not go out and see what people are eating for their annual Thanksgiving feast?”


The first people we asked were Kaisa Heckendlible and Savanah Johnson. When asked the question, they answered, “Stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy.”


We asked staff members around the school as well, talking to Mr. Stoffel and Mrs. Widell. “My favorite food to eat is candied yams with brown sugar and marshmallows,” said Stoffel. “And I like to make jello for my grandkids,” said Widell.


Student Samuel Stengs said, “I don’t have a favorite food because we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the Netherlands.” 


Both Carson Kloss and Elayna Uphoff said that they enjoy Jello Cranberries from the can. “My grandma also makes some bomb cranberries as well,” said Carson.


Quite a few people said that their favorite food was turkey, but Addison Engstrom said, “I like my turkey with mashed potatoes.”


Tucker Skogquist and Kaiden Heckendlible were the only people who said they like green bean casserole. I would have to say I also like green bean casserole as well.


When we asked Barron Mann what his favorite Thanksgiving food was, he told us, “My mom said we are having Mexican food this year, so I guess my favorite food is tacos.”  What an interesting way to celebrate Thanksgiving.


“My favorite Thanksgiving food is mac and cheese,” says Makayla Rothbauer. “Mine would probably have to be pumpkin pie,” said Bjorn Anderson.


There’s a common theme with everyone’s answers and very few are out of the ordinary. My favorite food to eat on Thanksgiving is turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cheesy potatoes, buns (lots of buns), and cheesecake for dessert.


Thanksgiving has passed, and now it’s Black Friday. This is the time when Shoppers go Christmas crazy and buy lots of unnecessary things. With December around the corner, stay tuned for our Christmas Dinner Edition as we ask around what SFHS student and staff munch on for Christmas!